For One Night Only-at the Audience’s Request

When he stands up, the curtains come down

John King
3 min readApr 14, 2023


Image Source: DALL-E2

Comedian: Thank you, thank you. Thank you very much. Good evening-or let’s hope so.

My son once asked me whether there have been any famous shipwrecks in England. I said, ‘Only my comedy career.’

Actually, I delight people with my rare performances. Not because I’m performing, but because they’re rare.

Image Source: Stable Diffusion

I personally believe I’m an undiagnosed comedy genius.

Heckler: You got that right!

Comedian: Hey, stop heckling! I come from an alternative universe where the comedians throw fruit at the audience.

Image Source: Stable Diffusion

Some of you are obviously wondering how I got into stand up. Well, it all began when I applied for an office job. On arriving for the interview, the secretary shouted, ‘We’ve got some joker here who thinks we’d like to employ him!’



John King

Hi - thanks for reading! Check out 'John King Cartoon Headcase' on Amazon! 😀 Cartoon Headcase is also on Instagram and Facebook. My alter ego is e-Comedian.